Monday, September 28, 2009

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Thursday, July 30, 2009


Commerce Zone Sdn Bhd would like to invite everyone to join us for the OPEN DAY that will be held on Saturday, 15th August 2009. The event will start from 11am until 9pm.
This event will be opened to the public. The CZ Open Day will give opportunity for everyone to meet up with the Management team, Support team and all the Teachers. Not to forget, chance to meet up with all our ex-students and existing students as well. Since the starting of the operation early of this year, CZ already seeded many self-sufficient traders from all around Malaysia encompassing among Malay, Chinese and Indian clients. Total 21 batches of CZ students already graduated from Mr. Azreen’s Class (Local Teacher) and Mr. Sheriff’s Class (International Teacher).

Commerce Zone will keep on improvising and upgrading to give the best service for all its clients. The tuition fees are at reasonable price but giving the best value for money. As value added service, all CZ students are given MT4 course (6hours long) for FREE that conducted by our MT4 Platform Specialist. Students that have difficulty catching up with the 2 weeks class program are given chances to re-attend the class again for harvesting better understanding. In addition to that, Mini library project is also under construction to give more support to our students.

We are proudly to announce that CZ will also provide a teacher to teach ECN/STP Platform this September. FREE Seminar about how to trade using ECN/STP environment will be given during the OPEN DAY.

During this Open Day, FREE Basic Course and FREE MT4 Course will be given to the public; FREE advice and one to one discussion with the Teachers personally; FREE US$25 Bonus card will be given away. Management team and Support team will be ready to answer all sorts of questions/query. Almost forget… FREE food and drinks as well !!!

If you decided to grab this one day MASSIVE OPPORTUNITY, please contact Commerce Zone to inform us that you are coming.
CZ Phone No: 03 - 2161 0001.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Free MT4 Class

First trial running of the MT4 Platform Class by the MT4 specialist. The class packed with extra chairs had to be brought in the Training Room. It took 2 days to complete... last Friday and Saturday. Just concentrating on MT4 Platform tools... opening an acc and withdrawing money out.

After a thorough discussion with the Boss. Sorry guys... the class not open to the public. Just FREE for former and existing students as value added package. The cost is just too high (teachers salaries + materials/handouts + long hours) to give it for free to the public.

If you are a student or an ex-student of CZ... feel free to contact Commerce Zone to book your FREE seat. Total hours needed for this class is 6 hours long. For the timetable please phone CZ.

p/s: If you are not a student of CZ but just interested in joining the MT4 class... I'll update the fees and timetable later.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Project just been approved, I am working on building a MINI LIBRARY at CZ. The library will be equipped with all sorts of ECONOMICS & TRADING BOOKS.

Proposal to make this library available to everyone for FREE... GRANTED!!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Dimanakah saya

Originally Posted by cg23 View Post
They are as follows:
1. We accumulate information - buying books, going to seminars and researching.

2. We begin to trade with our ‘new’ knowledge.

3. We consistently ‘donate’ and then realise we may need more knowledge or information.

4. We accumulate more information.

5. We switch the commodities we are currently following.

6. We go back into the market and trade with our ‘updated’ knowledge.

7. We get ‘beat up’ again and begin to lose some of our confidence. Fear starts setting in.

8. We start to listen to ‘outside news’ and to other traders.

9. We go back into the market and continue to ‘donate’.

10. We switch commodities again.

11. We search for more information.

12. We go back into the market and start to see a little progress.

13. We get ‘over-confident’ and the market humbles us.

14. We start to understand that trading successfully is going to take more time and more knowledge than we anticipated.


15. We get serious and start concentrating on learning a ‘real’ methodology.

16. We trade our methodology with some success, but realise that something is missing.

17. We begin to understand the need for having rules to apply our methodology.

18. We take a sabbatical from trading to develop and research our trading rules.

19. We start trading again, this time with rules and find some success, but over all we still hesitate when we execute.

20. We add, subtract and modify rules as we see a need to be more proficient with our rules.

21. We feel we are very close to crossing that threshold of successful trading.

22. We start to take responsibility for our trading results as we understand that our success is in us, not the methodology.

23. We continue to trade and become more proficient with our methodology and our rules.

24. As we trade we still have a tendency to violate our rules and our results are still erratic.

25. We know we are close.

26. We go back and research our rules.

27. We build the confidence in our rules and go back into the market and trade.

28. Our trading results are getting better, but we are still hesitating in executing our rules.

29. We now see the importance of following our rules as we see the results of our trades when we don’t follow the rules.

30. We begin to see that our lack of success is within us (a lack of discipline in following the rules because of some kind of fear) and we begin to work on knowing ourselves better.

31. We continue to trade and the market teaches us more and more about ourselves.

32. We master our methodology and our trading rules

33. We begin to consistently make money.

34. We get a little over-confident and the market humbles us.

35. We continue to learn our lessons.

36. We stop thinking and allow our rules to trade for us (trading becomes boring, but successful) and our trading account continues to grow as we increase our contract size.

37. We are making more money than we ever dreamed possible.

38. We go on with our lives and accomplish many of the goals we had always dreamed of.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Senarai istilah-istilah dalam forex

Ask – untuk sell pair tertentu
Bid- untuk buy pair tertentu
Buy – mengharap pair tersebut naik untuk untung
Sell – mengharap pair tersebut jatuh untuk untung
Long - posisi pair yang dibeli.menghap pair akan naik
Short- posisi pair yang dibeli.menghap pair akan jatuh
Spread – perbezaan matawang yang akan dibeli dengan harga pasaran terkini
Leverage margin – kadar modal anda dan jumlah kuantiti yang dibenarkan seperti 1:100 ,1:200
Stop loss : membolehkan posisi yang open tertutup secara automatik apabila terkena price yang anda set.(dalam keadaan rugi )
Exit profit – membolehkan posisi yang open tertutup secara automatik apabila terkena price yang anda set.(dalam keadaan untung )
Pending order – membolehkan posisi akan terbuka secara automatik apabila terkena price yang anda set
Trailing stop – membolehkan anda menutup posisi yang untung sebelum menjadi rugi semula.
Scalping – teknik mengambil pips sedikit demi sedikit
Indicator – penunjuk dalam teknikal analisis
Technical analysis – teknik untuk meramal pergerakan pasaran berpandukan sejarah ,trend dan indicator
Fundamental analysis – teknik untuk meramal pergerakan pasaran berpandukan news (politik dan ekonomi)
Upward –pergerakan pasaran menaik
Downward – pergerakan pasaran menurun
Platform –software yang digunakan untuk forex trading contoh metatrader,streamster, fx trading station 2.
Broker – orang tengah yang diantara trader dan syarikat.
Egold – matawang dalam internet
Ebullion -matawang dalam internet
Wiretransfer – pemindahan wang terus ke akaun bank
Swift – kod bank .
Swap – kos tambahan akibat penangguhan urus niaga
Pair – pasangan mata wang .contoh EU(euro/usd)
Pips – perubahan harga matawang dikira dalam bentuk pips.
Bullish – pergerakan menaik secara mendadak
Bearish –pergerakan menurun secara mendadak
Pivot – pergerakan matawang yang tidak jauh dari titik asal dan kembali semula
TF (time frame) – kadar masa untuk membuat analisis menggunakan indicator. Setiap indicator menggunakan TF yang sesuai
Overbought – situasi dimana pasangan matawang tersebut sudah terlebih dibeli dan kemungkinan besar akan jatuh .
scalping - merupakan satu process untuk very-very short term trading dari segi mengambil untung pada tahap yang minimum dan ia bergantung pada setiap trader, biasanya scalping akan dilakukan untuk pips dalam range 10-20 pips ataupun kurang daripada tersebut.

hedging - process untuk buy dan sell pada satu-satu masa tertentu.contohnya eu:- 1.3506/1.3508, so trader yang buy pada 1.3508 dan sell pada 1.3506 pada masa yg sama telah melakukan hedging.

swing - jarak yang panjang atau lama.contohnya:-swing trade bermaksud, trade yg disimpan lebih drp. 1 hari.

ranging - harga yang naik dan turun dalam sesuatu range ataupun dalam satu jarak high dan low untuk masa beberapa hari ataupun tempoh masa yang lebih panjang.contohnya:-pergerakkan harga eu dalam satu minggu ialah diantara 1.3500 hingga 1.3600, ini bermaksud harga eu hanya tengah ranging diantara harga-harga tersebut.

volatile - harga yang bergerak tidak tentu arah, disebabkan buy dan sell yang bnyk dilakukan oleh institusi besar terutamanya, harga akan naik dan turun berterusan. ini biasanya dilihat apabila governer bank atau president bank memberi penjelasan positif dan negatif mengenai ekonomi sesuatu negara, menyebabkan trader tidak tentu arah melakukan buy/sell, dan tiada direction yang clear untuk diikuti.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Pemahaman untuk leverage:

1:100 kalau anda open 0.1lot bersamaan 100usd di gunakan dr equity anda
1:200 kalau anda open 0.1lot bersamaan 50usd di gunakan dr equity anda
1:400 kalau anda open 0.1lot bersamaan 25usd di gunakan dr equity anda
1:500 kalau anda open 0.1lot bersamaan 20usd di gunakan dr equity anda

Pemahaman untuk nilai 1 pips..ia bergantung kepada jumlah lot yg anda masuk untuk setiap post:

1lot = 1pips = 10usd
0.1lot = 1pips = 1usd
0.01lot = 1pips = 0.10usd
0.001lot = 1pips - 0.01usd

Nilai 1pips adalah sama walaupun leverage yang berbeza

p/s: ini berdasarkan pair GU ngan EU. Nilai pips tidak sama bagi setiap pair.

Maka dengan ini, apa yang perlu anda paham ialah:

1) Penggunaan leverage adalah untuk mengurangkan atau menambah jumlah yg di gunakan untuk masuk post.
2) Leverage membolehkan anda masuk post mengikut jumlah equity yang anda ada di dalam akaun.




1. Untuk mengetahui total MARGIN yang digunakan

Anda memilih leverage 1:200
Anda ingin trade GBP/USD dengan 1 lot



1lot X 500usd X (1.9800 => contoh harga semasa GBP/USD)

MARGIN = 990usd

2. Untuk mengetahui total equity yang digunakan

Anda memilih leverage 1:500
Anda ingin trade USDCHF dengan 0.1 lot


MARGIN = LOT X LEVERAGE RATE X Current price (convert to USD)

0.1lot X 200usd X (1.2400 => contoh harga semasa USD/CHF.
0.1lot X 200usd X 1.000usd
MARGIN = 20.00usd

EQUITY ialah perbezaan antara Balance dengan profit/loss


Friday, June 5, 2009

Teknikal Analisis

Teknikal Analisis=TA merupakan analisis atau pendekatan semata2 dari carta/graf saja.....FA yang bergantung kepada keadaan ekonomi/politik/sosial negara terbabit. so untuk menjadi trader yang baik dia mesti mempunyai basic yang baik dalam kedua2nya. TA lebih kepada psikologi market/pasaran para2 trader yang terlibat dalam jual/beli matang tersebut. Indikator2 adalah termasuk dalam TA dengan konsep cuba mengenalpasti trend, konsep overbought/oversold dan konsep support & resistance. jika apa2 berlaku pada sesuatu negara tersebut, atau keluar satu2 news penting bagi negara tersebut.....

TA - adalah kajian tentang pergerakan harga/market. harga2 lepas/history currency digunakan untuk meramal pergerakan harga masa depan. so alat utama untuk TA adalah chart dan chart digunakan untuk mengenalpasti trend dan corak pergerakan harga untuk mendapatkan keuntungan. so konsep TA cuba mengenalpasti seawal mungkin perubahan trend dan mengikuti trend tersebut dan buat untung.....

TA dalam lesson ini merangkumi
1. konsep support& resistance (s&r)
2. indikator
3. corak graf

*semua diatas mungkin akan bercampur aduk penjelasannya kerana dia berkait satu sama lain tapi insyaAllah saya cuba asing2 kan.

S&R ini adalah batas/had yang sukar ditembusi oleh harga/pasar. biasanya apabila sampai ke level2 s&r ini harga akan melantun semula kecuali jika terdapat pergerakan harga yang kuat.

bagaimana nak tahu s&r?

1. guna pivot
2. trendline/channel
3. chart pattern/corak graf
4. level2 fibonacci
5. guna indikator seperti MA dan BB (ini sepatunya juga indikator tapi boleh digunakan sebagai s&r atau dikenali sebaga dinamik s&r)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


FXOPEN akan menyertai MALAYSIA FOREX EXPO yang akan berlangsung pada 12 Jun 2009 - 13 Jun 2009 bertempat di KUALA LUMPUR CONVENTION CENTER. Anda semua dijemput hadir. Pelbagai aktiviti serta free gift akan diberikan kepada pengunjung booth FXOPEN. Dan juga JANGAN lupa VOTE FXOPEN sebagai Broker pilihan anda. Untuk pengundian , sila klik disini: LINK

Kepada yang TIDAK tahu di mana letaknya KUALA LUMPUR CONVENTION CENTER boleh rujuk link berikut

fxmalay Grand Competition

Syarat-syarat dan Peraturan

1. Penyertaan ini terbuka kepada semua Akaun Standard di FXOPENASIA(Malaysian) dan FXMALAY sahaja.

2. Akaun :

a· Hanya Akaun Standard yang berdaftar mulai 01hb APRIL, 2009 sehingga 31hb. OKTOBER, 2009 sahaja yang layak menyertainya.
b· Setiap Akaun Standard hendaklah didaftar dengan lengkap dan mengikut segala peraturan dan syarat pendaftaran dan juga verifikasi.
DEPOSIT PEMBUKAAN hendaklah sekurang-kurangnya $100 USD
DEPOSIT TERKUMPUL melebihi $1000 USD bagi jangkamasa tersebut.
e· Hanya menggunakan DEPOSIT Dana Bank Tempatan sahaja.
f· Sekiranya terdapat transaksi selain daripada Bank Tempatan, penyertaan akaun tersebut adalah terbatal. (Sila ikut peraturan Bank Tempatan)
g· Tiada Halangan untuk memohon Pengeluaran Dana walaupun dengan pelbagai kaedah yang telah disediakan.
3. Peraturan Dagangan mengikut Syarat-syarat Top 10 POST dengan tambahan berikut:
POST Profit TOLAK ( - ) POST Loss
Tiada transaksi Stop Out (S.O) sepanjang tempoh penyertaan.
Total PIPS PROFIT(+ve) TOLAK ( - ) Total PIPS LOSS (-ve) ==> Sebagai penentu Pemenang Grand Prize
d· Pengiraan hanya pada CURRENCY PAIR sahaja
4. Peserta dibolehkan membuka banyak akaun tetapi hanya layak untuk satu hadiah sahaja sepanjang tempoh peraduan.

5. Para pemenang akan dimaklumkan oleh pihak pengurusan FXMalay melalui telefon atau email dalam tempoh sebulan dari tarikh penghujung peraduan ini.

6. Hadiah tidak boleh ditukar ganti. FXMalay berhak menukar hadiah-hadiah yang diiklankan kepada hadiah lain yang sama nilainya tanpa notis terlebih dahulu.

7. Sebuah Majlis akan diadakan dan pemenang diwajibkan menghadiri Majlis tersebut.

8. Pemenang yang tidak dapat hadir tidak layak menuntut hadiah.

9. Keputusan juri adalah muktamad dan sebarang surat menyurat, pertanyaan, rayuan dan bantahan tidak akan dilayan.

10. FXMalay berhak menyiar atau mempamerkan fotograf para pemenang bagi tujuan pengiklanan dan publisiti.

11. Dengan menyertai peraduan ini, peserta bersetuju untuk mematuhi Syarat-syarat & Peraturan rasmi dan keputusan yang dibuat penganjur.

================================================== ================================================== =======


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Forex Trading Indicators and the Ever Changing Market Conditions

Once you enter the Forex trading world you will immediately notice the need of using technical analysis in order to find trends when looking at the forex charts and also the importance of being aware of when they first develop so you can ride the trend until it ends. The foreign exchange market is a very strong trending market, lots of ups and downs in short periods of time, and it's, therefore, a place where technical analysis can be very effective.

But you should always remember that the indicators are only giving you a high probability behavior the markets may show when you are trading, but will never tell you the behavior of the currency prices with total certainty.

If you want to become a profitable forex trader you will need to use as many technical indicators as you can, or create a personalized trading strategy based on a combination of these indicators, to recognize with the best accuracy possible the trend. In other words, a professional forex trader will try to identify the major trend, the intermediate trend, and the short-term trend and then construct his trades in that direction based on how long their rules allow him to hold a position.

The forex markets are always changing, that's why you should always have an open criterion when using your technical indicators. Markets will be changing and different combinations of indicators may be required with time in order to have the most accurate, highest probability, prediction of future currency price behaviors.

If the action of the market shows your judgment to be correct, then you must consider staying with the market' and look for the maximum profit on each trade, according to your risk-to-reward/equity management rules. If you happen to be in a bad day and the market goes against you, the smart trader will take profits and get out of that trade. In a narrow market, when prices are not going anywhere, but move within a narrow range, there is no sense in trying to anticipate when the next big movement is going to be.

So, you must always be alert and open to use as many and as different indicators in order to stay tuned with the market and become a profitable trader at the end of the day.

Monday, June 1, 2009

pEngeNaLan foReX

Buat sapa2 belum tahu apa dia forex maksudnya perdagangan mawatang atau foreign exchange. Melalui perdagangan ini kita boleh ambil untung dua hala sama ada harga naik atau harga turun. forex diniagakan berpasang2 contoh pound dengan dollar, euro dengan dollar, yen dengan dollar dan lain2.

Mungkin basic2 tu u all tanya lah yer...kita terus ker bagaimana nak sell atau buy dan buat untung...

bear=harga menurun=downtrend
bull=harga naik=uptrend

sell/short kalau anda rasa market/harga akan jatuh
buy/long kalau anda rasa market/harga akan naik

macamana nak tahu;

ada dua cara asas/analisis

1. teknikal analisis-TA
2. fundemental analisis-FA

TA-analisis hanya berdasarkan graf dan meramal harga berdasarkan pergerakannya di graf dengan konsep sejarah akan berulang, pergerakan harga ditentukan oleh psikologi para trader.

FA - berdasarkan keadaan ekonomi sesebuah negara yang kita nak beli duit dia tu. contoh pound/dollar- GBP/USD - G/U kena tgk ekonomi USD dan Great Britain. ringkatnya kalau nak tgk hari2 pegi tgk news kalendar di

Yuran clazZ

Kelas Cikgu Tempatan:

1) Pengenalan ASAS
2) Technical Analysis
3) Fundamental Analysis
4) Money Management and Strategy

*Empat Kelas kesemuanya. Satu kelas memakan masa lebih kurang 3 jam. Seminggu 2 Kelas mengikut Jadual. Memakan masa 2 minggu untuk habiskan kesemua syllabus.
*Sesuai untuk mereka yang tak tahu langsung apa itu FOREX TRADING dan kepada trader2 lama yang ASAS pun masih goyah lagi.
*YURAN: RM600 (ada 5% Discount) = RM570
End of training >>> BROKER sponsor kasi USD100 bonus dalam acc pelajar2 CZ.


Kelas Cikgu Antabangsa:

*Syllabus dan Technique tersendiri. Datang FREE SEMINAR untuk sneak preview.
*Kena hadiri 6 kelas kesemuanya. Satu kelas memakan masa 2jam. Training Course memakan *masa 2 minggu untuk complete kesemua 6 sessions (1 minggu 3 kelas)
*Sesuai intuk INTERMEDIATE dan ADVANCED level.
*End of training >>> BROKER sponsor kasi USD100 bonus dalam acc pelajar2 CZ.



Commercezone Sdn Bhd

Training Centre

Perlu difahamkan... CZ ialah tapak Training Centre... bukan tapak Broker. Tapak Broker kat overseas.

CZ hanya menyediakan perkhidmatan Consultancy dan Training bagi mereka yang ingin menceburi bidang TRADING atau BUSINESS online.

CZ is being sponsored by Brokers so that proper guidelines and education can be convey to its clients. Kira salah satu SUPPORT lah for the clients by giving a proper place for training. As we know... mana lagi nak belajar benda2 macam nie? University kat Malaysia nie ada ajar ke?

Permintaan tinggi... maka wujudlah pengeluaran sama.

Bukan Goals atau Aim untuk kaut keuntungan daripada KELAS2 yang akan ditawarkan nanti... main aims and goals adalah untuk bagi support kepada clients2 supaya lebih berpengehtahuan dan boleh mendalami apa2 ilmu yang akan tawarkan nanti. Senang cerita... jaga clients baik2... clients banyak untung... Brokers pun suka... sebab akan ada lebih banyak transactions berlaku. That's why kursus2 yang akan ditawarkan adalah murah2 sahaja... yang free pun ada.

Service dan quality kenalah mantap dan bagus... kalau tipu2... pong pang pong pang sana sini tapi tin kosong... nanti clients jugak yang lari ke tempat lain dan reputation sendiri akan punah dan ranap.

Setakat taraf macam saya ni di sana... hanyalah boleh handle Seminar Pengenalan... kelas yang betul2 akan dihandled oleh betul2 PROFESSIONAL from locally or overseas. Tu pasal... saya pun ingin belajar daripda tenaga pengajar yang lebih berpengalaman. Learning is a never ending process.

Commercezone Sdn Bhd

Commerce Zone Sdn Bhd
ias a financial services company specialized in motivating and training the potential
traders on how trade in financial markets under equal conditions. Participants will be
exposed to trading services such as professional services in free streaming stock,
derivatives, commodities and forex, online brokerage, online trading and exchange.

With our vast experience in trading, we can guide you to achieve your dreams. We can
guarantee our services come in high quality forms and the most important, we possoss a winning attitude
that always puts YOU first.

The training session we offer proves our concern to develop the pepole especially in financial
aspect. The training sessions are held in comfortable, spacious and trendy classroom. This classroom is
equipped with latest technology for more efficiency. Our training session are handled by local and foreign
experienced professionals. In addition, we invite some external professionals. In addition, we invite some
external professionals from financial related industries to handle certain sessions of the training.

The flexibility of time is one of the attraction we can offer where you can choose the
day you prefer to attend the training. Whether you are students, self-employed, private sector
workers or government workers, our time is always available for you.